Developing Elite Goalkeepers
Goalkeeper Academy
All WBSA players that participate on a team with a goalkeeper (9U and above) are invited to join our goalkeeper academy twice weekly. We host two training sessions (one for 9U-11U, and another for 12U and up) that are about 60 minutes long twice per week.
Our goalkeeper academy is run by Coach Gabe, who is adored by our UNITED players and renowned for pushing advanced goalies to reach their full potential. He is also great at fostering a love and appreciation for the position with those just learning (or curious about) the role.
UNITED goalkeepers also receive a jersey and access to discounted private lessons with Coach Gabe.

U9 -U11 Training Communication
If you are interested in having your player(s) join us for goalkeeper training, please join our GroupMe.
Our current schedule is Monday and Tuesday from 5:00pm - 5:45 pm during daylight savings. We will go back to our regular 5:30pm - 6:30pm time after March 9th. We will have no more than 10 players practicing at a time to ensure everyone gets enough individual attention.

Save Your Spot (U9-U11)
U12 and Up Goalkeeper Training
U12 and up players will be practicing Monday & Tuesday from 5:45pm - 6:30pm during daylight savings. We will resume our 6:30pm - 7:30pm time after March 9th. The communication for this group will be kept directly with Coach Gabe.